Pastor, Here's why I'm not willing to share my story...

As part of our mission to help Christians know and share their story wholeheartedly, we partner with churches and ministries, asking people a simple question through a “story survey”.

“Would you be willing to share your story on camera and let it go public if you were given the opportunity to do so? And why or why not? “

These are some of the reasons from the people who said “NO”, who also indicated they have been a Christian for at least 10 years, and in most cases over 20 years. And not just ‘any’ Christians, but typically these are the lay leaders, and the people the leadership team has identified as their more “mature” Christians as part of our discovery process.

We see a lot of church and ministry leaders exhorting and hoping for their people to share their story, but not many slowing down and getting in the trenches to hear from those that aren’t willing, to learn why, and see it as a kairos opportunity for spiritual growth. Often times it simply falls through the cracks between discipleship, evangelism, and media. Where most churches understandably focus on capturing the stories of people that are currently willing to share their story, we tend to invest the time in the people who are currently NOT willing to share their story, but are open to becoming willing.

We’re not here to say which responses are valid reasons, excuses, and/or lies people tell themselves (or the world tells them). We’re also not proclaiming that everyone or anyone should or shouldn’t share their story on video and go public with it.

We are simply offering what we’ve gathered in our journey of helping people know and share their story wholeheartedly and invite you to survey the soil God’s entrusted you to serve. Surveying the soil is a great first step towards a perennial and beautiful harvest of stories of life change :)

We offer these responses to you….

The reason I’m not willing to share my story is….

I'm a private person

I don't feel my story is compelling enough

Do not feel comfortable in front of a camera.

I just don't want to be on film

Don’t like to be in public

I would not like it.

Not comfortable in front of a camera

I’m not much of a speaker

I have issues speaking in front of others. I prefer to work in the background. :-)

I don't feel that I have a moving story

Not comfortable sharing - nothing dramatic to share

I get very nervous and I don't feel I have anything to share at this moment.

My story of my faith is personal to me the loved ones around me; either friends or family.

English is not my first language and I'm afraid I will mess up.

I get too nervous, public speaking is just not what I am good at

Haven’t gotten permission from the people who are a part of my story

Too reserved

I'm reserved and shy

Devoid of the context of relationship, my story is not complete.

I like to be behind the scenes.

Too much opportunity for people to misunderstand my message

Not interested

I am still striving to live a holier and more organized life and do not have anything inspirational to share yet.

I think it's too personal and some of it depends on what aspects of my story

I don't like video taping

I believe that my story is very personal

I am shy.

I do not feel called to do so at this time.

so much of my spiritual journey is tied to my marriage and I am not currently at liberty to share that with transparency

I don't feel that I am worthy enough to do this.

I’m an introvert... I don’t think I have the ability to tell a good story on camera

I don't really have a story worth telling.

I'm not articulate enough

I have no story to tell and I am a private person

Fear. It’s also really boring

I do not have an interesting story

Life at home is too volatile right now.

Don’t care to share my life with public

My story is very private -don’t share much

I feel I can only live my story in front of the world and do not want to reinterpret the story for video.

I do not want to do it

I feel like my story is best shared in the context of a shared relationship and not mediated by a screen. We are meant for relationships and I think the video format takes away from that.

Just not comfortable

it's more intense than my family would be ok with


I have done it previously

I suppose it depends on the audience and intent.  My story is personal to me and something I'm happy to share in person, but just not comfortable doing it in a haphazard or random way.

My story is very ordinary and has no wow to it.

Not comfortable at this time

I am not comfortable on camera.

It’s a very personal story. That I feel comfortable sharing one on one when I feel God nudging me to do so.

I’m an introvert and not comfortable in front of a camera.

I’m an introvert through and through. I’m fine talking with small groups that I know well but sharing in this way would be stressful to me.

I don't feel that I have "a story."

I just don't do very good in telling about myself.

That might be possible sometime in the future.  I'm a gay Christian man and not sure how much I'm willing to share.

I think that story sharing is very important but is effective in the context of relationship. So, personal connection matters. Recorded video and public dissemination does not seem like a viable strategy to me.

I don’t feel a need to do

Not comfortable with sharing

I become so emotional when I tell my story that tears overcome me.

My story is not complete.  I’m still wrestling with God for control.

Do not like to be vulnerable OR speak to crowds

Not sure why

It is a long journey for a long life.  I would only be able to tell part of it.

I’m a very private person

Private guy


I am uncomfortable on camera

No interest

I don't have an interesting or compelling story.

Difference of opinions

Feel like I am still working on some stuff and would be nervous to be on camera

I would rather share my personal story in more personal ways, not on film.

Prefer to share my story privately.

I don't do well on camera

Shy, don’t mind speaking to small groups personally but don’t want to do video

I'm afraid

Not sure how it will be used.

Just not comfortable right now

my schedule is entirely too busy

Fear of speaking

Out of my comfort zone