Partnering to Unleash Stories in Orlando

For the last 12 years, The 3:15 Project has been partnering with churches and local community ministries to help people know and share their stories of God’s faithfulness and love.

A “StoryDrive” is like a blood drive except we come together as a story ministry to harvest people's stories! 

We are walking with Istoria Ministry Group to help establish a regular rhythm of story harvesting in the greater Orlando area.

We invite you to watch the videos on this page and if are drawn to the vision, please take a small but intentional step and complete the form below.

Yes! I want to help people know and share their stories in Orlando!

StoryDrive provides men and women the opportunity to go deeper in their faith.

StoryDrive unleashes stories of God’s love so God can use them whenever and however He wants.

Rusty shares the power of StoryDrive from his perspective as someone who has served the local church for more than 30 years.